“We empower women to step into their full potential, seize opportunities, and redefine success on their terms.”

Wild Women Community

$65 monthly/$780 annually

or $650 paid annually

(Savings of $130 if annually)

It’s a lonely journey being a business owner, but, it doesn’t have to be with the right community and support network. Let’s actually work on your business, together!

  • $65 monthly/$780 annually

    or $650 paid annually

    Monthly virtual group sessions

    Your very own advisory board built for you

    Monthly resources sent directly to you tailor made for you

    Pre offers and exclusive invites to all events

    Discounted coaching

    Networking & sponsoring opportunities

"6 FIGURE MONTH'S FOR WOMEN" Exclusive Opportunity with only 10 spots available for our pilot program!


"6 FIGURE MONTH'S FOR WOMEN" Exclusive Opportunity with only 10 spots available for our pilot program! ***

6 Figure Month’s

for Women

In the heart of every woman entrepreneur lies a powerful story of resilience, ambition, and the quest for growth. Yet, amidst the hustle, a common feeling often emerges: the uncertainty of how to elevate your business beyond its current boundaries. It's a crossroads where the excitement and lure of potential meets the anxiety of the unknown, a place where you're not alone in your quest for more.

Imagine a space where your ambitions are understood, your fears acknowledged, and your potential unleashed. Where challenges are met with collective wisdom, Understanding, and actionable strategies.

This is the essence of our new program – a beacon for ambitious women like you, ready to step confidently into the next phase of growth, equipped with the tools and support to make it happen.


    12 Week Program

    Two Expert Coaches:

    Imagine having not just one, but two seasoned coaches in your corner. Our approach is to walk alongside you, offering a support system that stands by you every step of the way, encouraging you to persevere through challenges and celebrate every victory.

    Transformation beyond tactics:

    We focus on behavioral shifts that unlock lasting change, that shatter limiting stories and beliefs to unlock your full potential.

    Confidence Mastery: Cultivate a sense of self-assurance that stems from genuine self-awareness and the strategic insights to face challenges head-on, empowering you to view opportunities through a lens of growth.

    Accelerated success:

    Why wait for opportunities when you can create them? Our approach is designed to fast track your results, with personalized guidance designed to propel your business forward, focusing on sustainable growth that aligns with your values and vision.

    Unwavering Support:

    Change is a journey, not an event. We’re committed to your growth, offering daily support to foster positive habits and mindset for lasting success.

    You will receive a WHY?

    Program which is your initial introduction into the course.

    How you set up your environment and office

    Time management vs Choice management

    How to manage their team

    Habit tracker

    ROI – time, energy & activity which has a compound effect 3-10-15 years later

    Buddy up system – changed regularly so you don’t get too comfortable

    Interview with potential to become advisory board member!!

    A bonus week at the end of the program!!

"6 FIGURE MONTH'S FOR WOMEN" Exclusive Opportunity with only 10 spots available for our pilot program!


"6 FIGURE MONTH'S FOR WOMEN" Exclusive Opportunity with only 10 spots available for our pilot program! ***

This is your chance to be part of a select group poised to transform your business with clarity and certainty.

This program is an invitation to step confidently into the direction of growth, to face the uncertainties of business expansion with bravery, and to harness the collective power of a team and community that believes in you.

If you're ready to leave behind the old and embrace a future of empowerment we're here to guide, you every step of the way.

Let's make your business

dreams a reality!